Small Cap Stocks Down Under 23 April 2021: HT&E, MyState, New Energy Solar

Small Cap Stocks Down Under: HT&E, MyState, New Energy Solar

Sovereign Metals: Implanted titanium

In today’s edition of Small Cap Stocks Down Under, headquartered in Macquarie Park, New South Wales, HT&E is a company that our Australian readers have likely heard of, literally. HT&E owns many of Australia’s most popular audio brands, including radio and podcast brands. Like many companies in the media sector, HT&E is in strong decline, while attempting to turn things around. The question is, can the company swim against the current and achieve this turnaround?


Also in today’s edition, a look at diversified financial group MyState (ASX: MYS) and solar power station owner New Energy Solar (ASX: NEW).


Click here to read the previous edition of Small Cap Stocks Down Under published 16 April 2021

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