The Best ASX AI Stocks
to buy Now In
July 2024

Check out our Industry Experts’ report and
analysis on the Best AI Stocks right now on the ASX

The Best ASX AI Stocks to buy Now In July 2024

Check out our Industry Experts’ report and analysis on the Best AI Stocks right now on the ASX

What Are AI Stocks ASX?

On the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), AI stocks include companies that are deeply involved with AI technology, whether they're creating AI software, generative AI or using AI to improve how they do business. This group features businesses like Appen, which is crucial for machine learning because it supplies the data that these systems need to learn. There’s also WiseTech Global, which uses AI systems to make global logistics operations smoother and more efficient.

These companies are at the face of the AI sector within the stock market, offering exciting opportunities for investors to engage with the cutting-edge field of AI that is transforming everything from healthcare to the automotive industry, including the development of self-driving cars.

Why Invest In Artificial Intelligence Stocks?

Choosing to invest in AI shares means you’re getting on board with a sector that’s set to grow significantly. The AI market is expected to add a whopping $22.17 trillion to the global economy by 2030. AI is also expected to add $315 billion in value by 2028.

That’s a huge number, telling you just how much impact AI technologies are going to have. In Australia, investing in AI stocks can be termed smart because of the strong backing from both government and the private sector, with investments totaling in the hundreds of millions aimed at scaling up enterprise scale AI applications and things like natural language processing.

Such a firm commitment helps ensure the companies involved in AI on the ASX are well-supported, which can lead to excellent growth potential and attractive returns for investors interested in the vibrant technology sector.

How to Identify the Best Artificial Intelligence Stocks


Assess the financial stability and growth potential of the AI company. Look for companies with solid revenue growth, profit margins, and manageable debt levels.


Evaluate the leadership team and the company's expertise in AI technology. A strong team with a proven track record in the industry is more likely to drive success.


Analyze the specific AI applications the company offers. Look for companies that cater to high-demand industries and have diversified AI products and services.


Consider the company's market share in the AI sector and its competitive advantage over other players. A company with a substantial market share and a unique offering is more likely to thrive.


Assess the company's growth prospects and its ability to adapt to emerging technology trends. AI is an ever-evolving field, and companies that stay ahead of the curve will be more likely to succeed.

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Future Outlook of the ASX AI Stocks

The future looks bright for AI stocks or publicly traded companies on the ASX, thanks to ongoing advancements in technology and the increasing use of AI across various industries. As AI technologies continue to evolve and become more ingrained in everyday business operations, companies active in this space are likely to experience a significant boost in demand for their products and services.

This is expected to drive their revenues up and could lead to a rise in their share prices. Additionally, the Australian government is proactively supporting the growth of AI with favorable policies and substantial funding dedicated to AI development. This nurturing environment not only promises to keep the AI investing fertile but also attracts new ventures, encouraging growth and innovation in the AI sector, which enhances its diversity and overall dynamism on the ASX.

3 Best AI stocks ASX to Buy Now in 2024

NextDC Ltd (ASX:NXT)

Investing in NEXTDC looks like a smart move for those looking to tap into the booming AI and high-density data center market. The company's financials are impressive, with a substantial 31% jump in total revenue, hitting A$209.1 million in the first half of fiscal year 2024.

Unith Ltd (ASX: UNT)

Investing in Unith (ASX: UNT) is a great choice right now, especially with the exciting developments they've announced. They’re just about to launch a new self-service platform that could really shake things up by making their services more accessible and boosting their revenue potential..

BetaShares Global Robotics and AI ETF (ASX: RBTZ)

Putting your money into the Global Robotics and Artificial Intelligence ETF (RBTZ) is a smart move if you're looking to get involved with some of the most exciting areas of technology today. This ETF gives you a piece of top companies in robotics and AI, industries that are growing rapidly..

3 Best ASX Tech Stocks To Buy 2024

Nextdc Ltd (ASX: NXT)

Investing in NEXTDC looks like a smart move for those looking to tap into the booming AI and high-density data center market. The company's financials are impressive, with a substantial 31% jump in total revenue, hitting A$209.1 million in the first half of fiscal year 2024. Their EBITDA also rose by 5% to A$102.0 million, showing they know how to grow and manage their operations effectively.

NEXTDC is in a great spot to reap the benefits of AI's rapid expansion. They have a solid forward order book of 68.8MW, set to start bringing in revenue from FY25 onward, indicating strong future earnings as they continue to serve hyperscale cloud providers and power various AI applications. This setup promises continued growth and steady revenue as tech evolves.

The company isn’t just sitting on its laurels; it's actively pushing its capabilities further. NEXTDC plans to pour between A$850m to A$900m into developing new and current data centers. These expansions are not just in key Australian cities like Sydney and Melbourne but also internationally in places like Kuala Lumpur and Auckland. This aggressive growth strategy shows NEXTDC’s strong commitment to staying ahead in the competitive data center market.

Unith Ltd (ASX: UNT)

Investing in Unith (ASX: UNT) is a great choice right now, especially with the exciting developments they've announced. They’re just about to launch a new self-service platform that could really shake things up by making their services more accessible and boosting their revenue potential.

Unith has also made some smart upgrades to their Digital Human platform, improving how secure and functional it is, which means their digital humans will look and interact better than ever. These improvements make Unith a standout in the AI field, especially with their ability to blend cutting-edge AI with user-friendly features. This move positions them for strong growth ahead, making their stock a promising pick for anyone looking to invest in innovative AI technology.

BetaShares Global Robotics and AI ETF (ASX: RBTZ)

Putting your money into the Global Robotics and Artificial Intelligence ETF (RBTZ) is a smart move if you're looking to get involved with some of the most exciting areas of technology today. This ETF gives you a piece of top companies in robotics and AI, industries that are growing rapidly and reshaping our world. Over the past year, RBTZ has shown fantastic growth with nearly a 29% return, and it's been consistently strong over the longer term too.

By investing in RBTZ, you're stepping into a field that's at the cutting edge of innovation, from automation to smart tech, all without needing to pick individual stocks. Plus, it’s a cost-effective way to diversify your investments across a sector that’s set to play a pivotal role in the global economy. This ETF is a great choice if you’re keen on having a stake in the future of tech.

How to Find the Best AI Stocks to Invest in?

When you're looking to invest in the best AI companies, focus on those that are really pushing the boundaries of AI technology. Look for firms that are heavy into research and development because they're the ones leading the charge.

It's also smart to check out how these companies are using AI in important fields like healthcare, farming, and finance. Are they making big changes? Lastly, see if they're working with universities or getting government grants. These partnerships often mean they're serious about innovation and could be great investment picks because of the extra support and resources they get.

Pros and Cons of Investing in AI Companies Stocks

Investing in AI is all about tapping into growth potential. AI startups and tech giants are pouring hundreds of millions, if not billions, into developing powerful AI engines and expanding computing power.

This investment fuels everything from enterprise-scale AI applications that large companies use to automate processes, to the AI-powered online stores that make shopping seamless. As AI becomes more integrated into everyday tech—from memory chips to software solutions—companies like C3 AI are seeing their market cap increase as they lead the charge in deploying these advanced technologies.

For those interested in a broader exposure, AI ETFs and machine learning stocks provide a way to invest in a range of companies at the forefront of this emerging technology.

However, the AI market can be as volatile as it is exciting. Individual AI stocks can swing wildly based on the latest tech developments or regulatory news. Investing in sectors like AI requires a deep understanding of the technology and its implications, including the ethical concerns around human intelligence and privacy.

High valuations can lead to market bubbles, where excitement outstrips practical value. And while AI promises to revolutionize industries from document management to car manufacturing, not every AI venture will succeed in translating innovative tech into profitable business models.

The Rise of Large Language and Deep Learning Models in AI Stocks

One of the most significant advancements in AI technology has been the development of large language models.

These sophisticated AI systems, based on machine learning and deep learning algorithms, have the capability to understand, interpret, and generate human language at an unprecedented level of human intelligence. Companies like OpenAI and Google's DeepMind have made significant strides in developing some of the most prominent deep AI models, such as GPT-3 and BERT. The rise of large language models has opened up new opportunities for AI stocks to buy. These companies, at the forefront of AI research and development, identify companies that are capitalizing on the potential applications of language models across various industries.

From improving customer service through chatbots to enhancing language translation services, large language models are transforming the way businesses interact with customers and streamline operations. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly emerged as a transformative technology, reshaping various industries and revolutionizing the way we live and work.

As AI's potential continues to grow, investors are keen to gain exposure to this cutting-edge sector. In this article, we will explore the world of AI stocks, their significance in the market, top Artificial Intelligence companies, and why investing in AI stocks may be a smart move for the future.

Are ASX Artificial Intelligence Shares a Good Investment?

Looking specifically at the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), AI shares represent a compelling but cautious investment option. It’s crucial to identify companies that are not only innovating but also have solid business fundamentals.

AI's integration into sectors such as finance, healthcare, and retail is pushing companies to grow their market shares, but this also means investors need to do their homework to pick the winners. AI ETFs are a good way for investors to spread their bets across a range of promising AI ventures, balancing the potential high returns with the sector's inherent risks.

FAQs on Investing in AI Stocks

The best AI stocks include those from companies like NextDC and Unith, known for their advanced AI capabilities in deep learning and cloud computing.

Our Analysis on ASX AI Stocks

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