Small Cap Stocks Down Under 11 February 2022: Clean Seas Seafood (ASX:CSS)

Clean Seas Seafood

Clean Seas Seafood: Set to sail smoother in the year ahead

In today’s edition of Small Cap Stocks Down Under, we look at Clean Seas Seafood. Since listing on the ASX in 2005, fewer companies have seen as many setbacks as Clean Seas Seafood. But it has survived them all and COVID-19 has been no different. We first covered this company on October 8 last year and it has made a slight gain since then. We think the worst effects of the pandemic are behind Clean Seas and with the company forecast to continue to improve its cash flow, we believe the shares still have room for growth.


Click here to read the previous edition of Small Cap Stocks Down Under published 4 February 2022.

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