What is a stock’s Return on Equity (ROE) and how can investors use this metric to their advantage

Nick Sundich Nick Sundich, January 5, 2024

Our long-time readers would know that we often use the Return on Equity (ROE) metric when looking at stocks, whether ASX or international stocks. This is not a stock’s profit or even its margin, it is expressed as a percentage and may not necessarily reflect a stock’s profit or margin.


What is a stock’s Return on Equity?

Return on Equity (ROE) is a financial ratio that measures the profitability of a company by evaluating how much profit it generates with the money invested by shareholders. In simple terms, ROE indicates how much return investors are getting for every dollar they have invested in a company. ROE is an important metric used by investors to evaluate the performance of a company and its management. It is often used in combination with other financial ratios to get a better understanding of a company’s financial health.


How is a stock’s Return on Equity related to profit?

While ROE and profitability (measured by profits) are closely related, they are not exactly the same. Profits refer to the absolute amount of money a company earns, while ROE takes into account the capital invested by shareholders. In other words, ROE reflects the efficiency with which a company uses its assets to generate profits for shareholders.


How Return on Equity can differ between stocks

It is important to note that ROEs can vary significantly between different industries and companies. For example, a technology company may have a higher ROE than a utility company because the former typically requires less capital investment.

ROE is also affected by different factors such as debt financing and equity financing. Companies with high levels of debt may have a higher ROE as they are able to generate more profits with a smaller amount of equity. However, high levels of debt also come with greater financial risk. On the other hand, companies that rely heavily on equity financing may have a lower ROE as their profits are divided among a larger number of shareholders.


How to calculate Return on Equity

ROE is calculated by dividing net income by shareholder equity and expressing it as a percentage. This means that if a company has an ROE of 10%, it generates $0.10 in profit for every dollar invested by shareholders.

The formula for calculating Return on Equity is:

Return on Equity = (Net Income (or profit) / Shareholder’s Equity) * 100

Both profit and shareholder’s equity can be found on a company’s balance sheet. shareholder’s equity represents the amount of money invested in a company by its shareholders.


How to Interpret Return on Equity

A company with a higher ROE is generally considered to be more profitable and efficient in generating returns for its shareholders. However, it is important to compare ROE with other companies in the same industry as different industries have varying levels of profitability.

A consistently high ROE indicates that a company has been able to generate profits efficiently over time. On the other hand, a declining or low ROE may be a red flag for investors and could indicate potential issues with the company’s management or business strategy.


Using Return on Equity to Make Investment Decisions

ROE can be a useful tool for investors when it comes to making investment decisions. A high ROE, especially when compared to competitors in the same industry, can indicate a strong and potentially undervalued company.

However, a stock’s ROE should not be the only factor considered when making investment decisions. It should be used in conjunction with other financial ratios, as well as a thorough analysis of a company’s business strategy and management team.



In summary, ROE is an important metric for investors to consider when evaluating a company’s performance. A high ROE can indicate a strong and profitable company, while a low or declining ROE may be cause for concern. As with any investment decision, it is important to conduct thorough research and consider multiple factors before making any decisions based solely on an individual metric like ROE.

By understanding the concept of ROE and its significance in evaluating a company’s financial health, investors can make more informed investment decisions and potentially increase their chances of success in the stock market. So, it is important for investors to keep an eye on a company’s ROE and use it as one tool among many in their investment toolbox.
Happy investing!



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