What is Commodity?

What is Commodity? Understanding Commodity Trading

Introduction to Commodities Commodities are fundamental to our global economy. They are natural resources or agricultural products that we use…


Overview of Securities in the Australian Financial Market

What is a security? Security refers to a broad range of financial instruments that individuals and entities use to secure capital and engage…


What Is an IPO? Understanding Initial Public Offerings

What is IPO? An Initial Public Offering (IPO), often just called an IPO, marks a private company and its grand entrance onto…

a person using a calculator and pen

What is Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)? Formula and Examples

What is Discounted Cash Flow? Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) is a valuation method used extensively in finance to determine the present…

Options Trading

What is Options Trading, and How Does It Work?

What is Options and Options trading? Options trading is a pivotal aspect of the financial markets, allowing investors and traders…

Share Buyback

What is a Share Buyback, and Why Do Companies Use Them?

Essentially, a share buyback, also known as a stock repurchase, occurs when a company decides to reacquire its own shares from the marketplace.…

What is Earnings Per Share (EPS), and How to Calculate It?

What is EPS? Earnings Per Share (EPS) is a fundamental financial metric used to calculate a company’s profitability on a per-share basis.…

Market Share

What is Market Share, and Why Should We Care?

What is Market Share? Market share measures how much of the market a particular company controls compared to its competitors. It’s…

What is market capitalization

What is Market Capitalization, and Why Does It Matter?

Definition of Market Capitalization Market capitalization, commonly referred to as market cap, is a crucial financial metric that represents the total…

Capital Markets

What Are Capital Markets, and How Do They Work?

Capital markets are like big marketplaces to raise capital. They help people and companies who need money to connect with those…

real estate investment trust (REIT)

What is a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)?

REITs were designed to open the door for all, both retail and institutional investors, allowing them to gain exposure to property…

What Are Dividends, and How Do They Work?

Dividends, which represent a portion of a company’s earnings given to shareholders, can tell you a lot about the profitability and operational…

What Are Franking Credits, and How Do They Work?

Imputation credits, also known as franking credits, play a significant role in the tax systems of Australia and some other countries.…