3 US Stocks to Watch if the Democrats Win the 2025 Election

Ujjwal Maheshwari Ujjwal Maheshwari, October 5, 2024

With the 2025 U.S. presidential election on the horizon, investors are keeping a close eye on how a Democratic win could impact the markets. Renewable energy, healthcare, as well as infrastructure are the usual focus areas of Democratic policies and all are vying for growth if the party wins the White House. In this article, we look at which sectors may stand to benefit most ahead of the election and see 3 key stocks to follow and how portfolios should change in the lead-up to one of them.


Which Sectors Might Benefit Most from Democratic Policies?

Historically, Democratic administrations have favored progressive policies aimed at enhancing sectors like clean energy, healthcare, and infrastructure. Companies within these industries are often well-positioned to capitalize on such policies, making them attractive investment options.

Renewable Energy and Environmental Initiatives

The Biden administration’s push toward net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 is an indicator of what may come in the future. If the Democrats take the White House, renewable energy companies have good reason to celebrate. Potential subsidies and tax incentives will push for electric vehicles (EVs), solar power, and wind energy all the way. By 2030, power growth could be nearly 90% powered by renewable energy, predicts the International Energy Agency (IEA). Solar power, battery storage, and EV infrastructure should be where investors concentrate.

Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Advancements

Democrats are famous for pushing for healthcare reform, including things like Medicare expansion and drug price controls. If they win in 2025, that could prompt the government to spend more money in the healthcare sector, which is good news for the companies that do medical research, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals. As the U.S. healthcare market was valued at more than $4 trillion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7% through 2028, it’s a market that is worth keeping your eye on.

Infrastructure and Technology Investments

Democratic policies also often focus on upgrading infrastructure, especially in technology and transportation. Under Biden, the $1 trillion infrastructure bill that passed in 2021 has already rattled cages, and new investment in 5G networks, smart cities, and high-speed transportation systems would be on the table for a Democratic victory. A more tech-driven economy may push the government in a more modern direction and companies in these sectors stand to gain.


What Are the Top 3 US Stocks to Watch If Democrats Win?

In the upcoming 2025 election, a win by the Democratic party could significantly impact certain sectors due to their policy priorities. Companies involved in renewable energy, infrastructure, healthcare, and technology may see substantial growth due to policy shifts. Here are three stocks that could benefit:

Tesla, Inc. (TSLA)

Tesla Inc. is an innovator in electric vehicle production as well as renewable energy solutions. It is likely to benefit from increased government funding and expansion of renewable energy initiatives shortly, thanks to the Democratic Party winning elections. Barring any unforeseen factors, the party will find it burning with a team keen on fighting carbon emissions and expediting the use of electric vehicles by the masses, which will naturally create more tax breaks and government support for Tesla and other electric vehicle makers. Additionally, there is potential for expanding the energy storage system in Tesla under policies that present global change in renewable energy networks.

Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) Stock

NextEra Energy, Inc. (NEE)

NextEra Energy is the biggest producer of Wind and solar power and so complements the Democrats’ agenda of clean energy. The Bidens’ Inflation Reduction Act has also begun to redirect sources towards renewable projects by the billions, with a future Democratic win likely extending this growth even further. With the increasing demand for clean electricity, complemented by clean energy transition policies, it is believed that the company, NextEra Energy, will undergo remarkable expansion.

NextEra Energy Stock

UnitedHealth Group Inc. (UNH)

Healthcare continues to be one of the most crucial issues for the Democrats, with political actions directed toward extending the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and enlarging public healthcare spending. This is where United Health Group, one of the largest managed healthcare organizations in the nation, stands to benefit. This has been a perennial outperformer in most financial patriots, and easier access to health care would certainly increase its enrollment rates.

UnitedHealth Group Stock


How Should Investors Adjust Their Portfolios Ahead of the Election?

Investing in anticipation of an election can be a double-edged sword. Here are some strategies to help mitigate risk while capitalizing on potential opportunities.

Strategies for Hedging Against Market Volatility

In most cases, election years lead to increased volatility levels. As a precaution against this, investors should look for ways to turn negative the sectors that will do well with either of the two outcomes. Alternatively, option contracts, particularly inverse exchange-traded funds, can also help to hedge specific positions during uncertain times.

Balancing Risk and Opportunity

Although it could be very attractive to concentrate on the sectors that are likely to be enhanced by the Democratic policies, it is important to keep a diversified portfolio. For instance, one may also consider the addition of defensive sectors such as healthcare and technology alongside growth sectors since they perform regardless of elections.

Timing Considerations for Buying or Selling

About timing, that would be the most critical element. Looking at the scenario where one wants to opportunistically put in as heavy a weight as possible in sectors expected to perform well owing to a Democratic win, it would still be prudent to wait for the outcome of the elections to be officially announced. Market sentiment often shifts rapidly during election cycles, so it’s important to stay informed and be prepared to act quickly.


What Risks Should Investors Be Aware Of with These Stocks?

Despite the potential upside, there are risks associated with investing in these sectors, especially given the unpredictability of elections and market reactions.

Regulatory and Compliance Challenges

Regulatory issues imposed by states where green energy firms operate, especially with issues related to zoning and environmental regulation can pose a challenge to these firms. In the same light, healthcare firms may find themselves adversely affected by regulations limiting drug prices or insurance coverage. Thus, any can invest in these sectors, may need to be concerned about thumb rule number and consider how government may interfere in these sectors.

Market Competition and Technological Disruptions

The sectors mentioned, renewable energy, healthcare, and tech are among the highly sought-after and competitive ones. Any technological innovations or even new entrants can render the most established of firms redundant. For this reason, predicting future developments in a particular industry is imperative for any investor who desires to keep investing in the long run.

Global Economic Factors and Trade Relations

The existing politics may also impose some limitations on the industries’ growth, especially about the extent of the ferocity of the phenomenon in the country’s relations with other nations most especially with the east- the communist regime containing China. The situation is worse for the other economy that depends purely on the service of technology, which is always affected by any tectonic movements in the supply chain. Investors need to look out for international trade legislation.


How Reliable Are Election Outcomes for Making Investment Decisions?

Elections can be a catalyst for market movements, but relying solely on election outcomes for investment decisions carries significant risks.

The Impact of Polls and Election Forecasts on Markets

Polls and election forecasts can significantly impact market sentiment. However, polls have been wrong before, as seen in the 2016 U.S. election. Investors should avoid making drastic decisions based solely on polling data and instead focus on broader economic indicators.

Historical Cases of Unexpected Election Results

There are numerous instances where election results defied expectations, leading to market shocks. In 2016, for example, the election of Donald Trump caused initial market turbulence, though it was followed by a period of sustained growth. Diversification is key to mitigating the risks associated with unexpected outcomes.

Diversification to Mitigate Unforeseen Risks

A diversified portfolio is the best defense against the unpredictability of elections. By spreading investments across different sectors and asset classes, investors can reduce the impact of a sudden market shift resulting from election surprises.


What If the Republicans Retain Control? Should Investment Strategies Change?

While a Democratic win could benefit certain sectors, a Republican victory would likely have a different set of market implications.

Potential Policy Continuations or Reversals

If Republicans retain control, expect policies like tax cuts and deregulation to continue. Energy sectors like oil and gas, as well as defense companies, could benefit from continued Republican leadership, as these industries have traditionally thrived under conservative policies.

Sectors That Might Thrive Under Republican Leadership

Republican policies that support deregulation and lower corporate taxes tend to serve industries like fossil fuels or defense, as well as financial services. If Republicans stay in the lead, investors might pay greater attention to these sectors.

Adapting Investment Approaches Accordingly

Investors should consider rotating out of screenplays such as renewable energy, if Republicans win, into sectors that benefit from deregulation and tax cuts, said executives at ruling Fidelity Investments.


Conclusion: Is It Time to Reposition Your Investment Portfolio?

The upcoming U.S. elections in 2025 come with their fair share of risks as well as benefits to investors. While some industries may flourish with democratic leadership, the economic implications of elections ever remain a grey area. The most effective way to get through such periods is to have a well-maintained and diversified investment portfolio and be on the lookout for possible risks and opportunities. It does not matter which party wins, Democrat or Republican, it is always advisable to have an investment plan that adjusts to the risks and benefits.

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