Genghis Khan

Great opportunities for ASX-listed companies in Mongolia

30 December 2020   Back in August 2019 the people behind Stocks Down Under – Marc Kennis and Stuart Roberts…

Friday Beers with Marc & Stuart

Friday Beers with Marc & Stuart – The good, the better and the best from 2020

Thursday 24 December 2020   Probably the highlight of the great work we do here at Stocks Down Under is…

Penguins of Stocks Down Under

We like to move it, move it….in Madagascar!

Wednesday, 23 December 2020   Say the name ‘Madagascar’ to most Australians and they’ll likely think of only three things:…

Contrarian investing

How to be a good contrarian investor

Tuesday 22 December 2020   Yesterday we looked at the recent track record of the team at Stocks Down Under…

Conan the Contrarian

When Conan the Contrarian speaks, people listen

Monday 21 December 2020   If you’ve been around the investment scene for a while you would have heard the…

Coal ship

Coal – ASX’s bargain basement

Friday 18 December 2020   If there’s an area of the market that was definitely for the contrarians in the…

Directors buying

Directors’ share trades – a great indicator for the rest of us

Thursday 17 December 2020   Listed companies these days are complicated things. The technology, the products, the markets and even…

Women are better investors than men

Men are from BHP, Women are from Afterpay

16 December 2020   There’s an interesting story near the end of Rocket Boys, Homer Hickam’s 1998 memoir of his…

Brazilian opportunities for ASX-listed companies

Brazilian opportunities for ASX-listed companies

15 December 2020   If there’s a country worth paying attention to right now for investors in ASX-listed resources companies,…

Despite Facebook’s troubles, the Technology sector is still your best bet for high growth

14 December 2020   It was the announcement that no-one saw coming. On Wednesday 9 December America’s Federal Trade Commission…

Why Australians are still drinking beer…and how to profit from it

9 December 2020   Don’t miss Friday Beers with Marc & Stuart Every second Friday afternoon the founders of Stocks…

Linius Technologies: The video Whizzards

8 December 2020 Linius Technologies (ASX:LNU) has been listed on ASX since May 2016 and the share price has seen…

Can nickel party like it's 1969?

Can these ASX nickel stocks party like it’s 1969?

8 December 2020 It’s been a good year for nickel, Element 28 on the periodic table. Last Friday the commodity…

Diamonds are an investor's best friend

Why diamonds are becoming investors’ best friends…again

4 December 2020 On 3 December 2020 in Resources Stocks Down Under we discussed a relatively new company on ASX…

Kogan has been killing it

Cyber Monday is the new Black Friday

3 December 2020 Every last Friday of November, right after Thanksgiving in the United States, shoppers around the world go…