Emerging Stocks Down Under 13 December 2022: Bridge SaaS (ASX:BGE)

BridgeSaaS: Crossing the NDIS productivity chasm

Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme always seems to be in the news for the wrong reasons, but here’s a NDIS good news story for you, Bridge SaaS (ASX:BGE). Bridge SaaS has developed software that can markedly improve the productivity of NDIS providers, as well as other outsourced service providers in the disability employment services sector. With $60bn being spent in sectors of interest, we believe Bridge SaaS, the would-be Xero of outsourced service providers, has a lot of upside potential.


Click here to read the previous edition of Emerging Stocks Down Under published 6 December 2022.

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[pdf-embedder url=’https://stocksdownunder.com/wp-content/uploads/securepdfs/2022/12/13-12-2022-Bridge-SaaS-BGE.pdf’ toolbar=’both’ toolbarfixed=’on’]