Emerging Stocks Down Under 28 June 2022: Emyria (ASX:EMD)


Emyria: If this company can’t release a Schedule 3 product, no one will

If you thought cryptocurrencies were volatile, you haven’t heard of the cannabis sector. It has been through several booms and busts over the past few years, mostly booming when certain regulations are removed then gradually declining when it doesn’t turn out to be just like the easing of Prohibition. The latest regulation removed was the TGA’s declassification of certain CBD products, allowing them to be sold in pharmacies. We
think Emyria (ASX: EMD) is on course to be one of the first companies to capitalise on this change, which is yet to be seen by investors.

Click here to read the previous edition of Emerging Stocks Down Under published 21 June 2022

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