Property Stocks Down Under 30 March 2022: Charter Hall Social Infrastructure REIT (ASX:CQE)

Charter Hall Social Infrastructure REIT: Social distancing wasn’t actually that bad

Charter Hall Social Infrastructure REIT (ASX: CQE) is one of two ASX REITs that are focused on the childcare space – the other being Arena REIT (ASX:ARF). The childcare sector was one of the worst sold off sectors amidst the Corona Crash but it is an attractive real estate asset given secure long-term leases with annual rent increases. Since the crash, CQE has secured valuation increases and diversified into other ‘social infrastructure’ but the company has not rebounded to the same extent as Arena REIT. We expect that to change.


Click here to read the previous edition of Emerging Stocks Down Under published 23 March 2022.

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