Small Cap Stocks Down Under 3 September 2021: Silk Laser Australia, Murray Cod Australia, HGL Limited

Small Cap Stocks Down Under: Silk Laser Australia, Murray Cod Australia, HGL Limited

Silk Laser Australia: Things are getting hairy in lockdown

In today’s edition of Small Cap Stocks Down Under, Silk Laser is headquartered in Parkside, South Australia. It owns and operates Australia’s second-largest network of non-surgical aesthetic product and services clinics. Investors in the company’s 15 December 2020 IPO have been on the road paved with silk as the stock has rallied 30% from its initial price of $3.45. However, despite raising $83.5m during the IPO, management has already come back to the market for an additional $20m. Therefore, the question needs to be asked, just how high-quality silk are investors buying?


Also in today’s edition, a look at sustainable cod producer Murray Cod Australia (ASX: MCA) and private equity and funds manager HGL Limited (ASX: HNG).

Click here to read the previous edition of Small Cap Stocks Down Under published 27 August 2021

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