Emerging Stocks Down Under 11 January 2022: Zoom2u Technologies, ResApp Health, Nova Eye Medical

Zoom2u Technologies: Zooming on all cylinders

In today’s edition of Emerging Stocks Down Under, if you think couriers are just for Business to Business (B2B), Zoom2u’s performance in COVID-19 has proved you dead wrong. Headquartered in Sydney, Zoom2u was originally founded as a courier service but has grown to include Locate2u, Shred2u and 2uEnterprises. This company experienced sharp revenue growth in both FY20 and FY21. With $7.8m in cash, and a 55.6% increase in 1Q22 revenue compared to 4Q21, we think Zoom2u will keep on zooming.


Also in today’s edition, a look at smart phone application medical device developer ResApp Health (ASX: RAP) and glaucoma and AMD treatment developer Nova Eye Medical (ASX: EYE).


Click here to read the previous edition of Emerging Stocks Down Under published 4 January 2022

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