Emerging Stocks Down Under 9 November 2021: Damstra, Structural Monitoring Systems, Security Matters

Damstra: Snapping back post-Covid

In today’s edition of Emerging Stocks Down Under, Superficially, that four-star call on Damstra we made on 16 February 2021 at $1.44 doesn’t look like it aged very well. The stock of this Melbourne-based developer of ‘enterprise protection’ software is now about half the level of early 2021, thanks to a disappointing FY21 result in August, followed by a disappointing 1Q21 quarterly result in October. Part of the slowdown in Damstra’s business is, however, Covid-related. This means the company can snap back now that the lockdowns are more or less over.


Also in today’s edition, a look at aviation technology developer Structural Monitoring Systems (ASX: SMN) and chemical tracker technology developer Security Matters (ASX: SMX).


We last wrote about the Damstra on 16 February 2021.


Click here to read the previous edition of Emerging Stocks Down Under published 2 November 2021

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[pdf-embedder url=’https://stocksdownunder.com/wp-content/uploads/securepdfs/2021/11/Emerging-Stocks-Down-Under-Edition-59-09-11-2021-SMN-DTC-SMX.pdf’ toolbar=’both’ toolbarfixed=’on’]