Resources Stocks Down Under 23 September 2021: Invictus Energy, Red Sky Energy, Benz Mining

Invictus Energy: Undefeated by name and nature

In today’s edition of Resources Stocks Down Under, you’d be surprised where they are looking for oil and gas these days. The Perth-based Invictus Energy believes that its Cabora Bassa Project potentially hosts a major discovery in, believe it or not, Zimbabwe. All the seismic and other data suggests that the Mzarabani conventional gas and condensate prospect in the Cabora Bassa Basin is rich in both. All Invictus has to do is sink the first well to get the ball rolling on a potential bonanza.


Also in today’s edition, a look at Red Sky Energy (ASX: ROG) and Benz Mining (ASX: BNZ).


Click here to read the previous edition of Resources Stocks Down Under published 16 September 2021

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